Details for this torrent 

Flight Simulator X + Acceleration
Games > PC
10.96 GB

microsoft flight simulator flight simulator acceleration expansion pack fsx
+26 / -1 (+25)

Jan 23, 2009


Contains Microsoft Flight Simulator X Deluxe and the Acceleration expension pack. If you can't be bothered to read the readme, the crack is in the Acceleration iso.


Thank you.
You're welcome.
And then there were seeds.
Seeeeeed! I'm on 95.2%
Want This!!!!!
We've got 50 seeds in total now, that should be enough.
it is working good need crack or serial?
Crack is in Acceleration iso, as mentioned in the description.
does this work? im downloading it and just wanna make sure
how do I install it because whenever i click on the files it says "windows cannot open this file" and then it asks me what program to use
whats the activation code
Don't spam other torrents.
whats the cd key for this
i got it working now. reinstalled it copied crack to game path and now no activation code. dont know why it didnt work the first time. anyway thanks for the upload.
thanks arienh4 works a treat man!
hoyl crap this thing is being seeded more then 521 seeders!!!
Stats system is bugged, there are more seeders than there seem to be.
Not really. Disabling start-ups means disabling your anti-virus to start up automatically, any programs that you might like to start up at boot, and even the shell, explorer. This means you might lose even your start menu and icons. Disabling services will stop any servers on your computer, 3rd party WiFi drivers, stopping wireless access from working (No, I don't mean the built-in WiFi driver, I mean 3rd party ones) any programs like Hamachi that are on your PC and the list goes on.
Also, I'm the idiot? You're saying: Disable all your starting programs and services, and if you have trouble, enable all services and starting programs. Sure. I'm the idiot.
It doesn't work even though i put the crack in the fsx folder and now it wont put the mdf as a disk drive ( i use magic iso) it says fsx disk 1 is fsx acceleration any ideas on what to do?
Can you people please seed!!!! I find it annoying when people just download and logoff instantly, what kinda gay shit is that? I'll seed when i finish.(that's if i FINISH!)

again...SEEEEDDD!!!!! you bastards!!!!!im uploading more than im downloading:(. I'll seed for 1 week if my download ever finishes.
All right. Anyone knows if this could be used for online sessions? I mean would the gamespy server know that I'm playing a hacked copy?
guys im going at 3kB/s and only 63.5% start seeding
you know it sucks when I see I am uploading 3 times faster then I am downloading.. I know this is great for all of those who are benifiting from this but when I have already uploaded 6.48 gs and only downloaded 3 gs it says one thing... SEED!!!!!!!! I know its easy to go well someone else will seed at a good speed so I dont have to... Well that person is telling you to stop be a bastard and turn your upload up more....
Thank u so much
This work ;)
@grizzerrr It did work for me in online sessions, so it should, yes.
So nice to see, 10 seeders with 100 %, and none of them is seeding anything.... Typical
F*ck I'm so tired of upl'ing to americanos, wich almost never seed anything back,,
still more than 10 seeders with 100 % and none of them are seeding anything...
Common guys iv been downloading for an hour and i am only 0.7% complete! SEED!
I'm so sick of you whiny bitches complaining about people not seeding. Deal with it. You aren't paying for it, if it takes weeks who cares, be happy that you are able to still get it.
seed please..stucked at 77%
Does this program work with a MAC OS? Thanks.
Please Help!!
I've downloaded and tried to install it. I've attempted to use Deamon Tools to install it but can't understand the process. I'm not a computer wizz. I would really appreciate if somebody would take the time to explain the process. I know the readme is there and I?ve read it and followed the instructions several times, but it makes no sense to me ... The games says it?s installed but I don?t know how to load it. It?s doesn?t seem to be installed anywhere on my pc. Clicking on the DVD drive just re-installs it.
Sorry for being a dope but would really appreciate the help.
Thanks for the Torrent ...
Im having trouble installing the program, can someone run me through the whole process???
Im having trouble installing the program, can someone run me through the whole process??? I have a Windows Vista??
Zamorano here's what i did.

Download MagicISO virtual CD/DVD manager, or some other program for virtual drives (easier than burning to dvds).

Mount file from "\Flight Simulator X + Acceleration\FSX Disk 1\FSX Disk 1.mdf" and it should autostart and installing. If not, browse the drive and find setup files.

Half-way through installation you'll be prompted to insert disk 2. At that time, unmount FSX Disk 1.mdf, and mount "Flight Simulator X + Acceleration\FSX Disk 2\FSX Disk 2.mdf". Then click Okay on the "Insert disk 2" prompt to continue installation.

After that has installed, unmount FSX Disk 2.mdf and mount FSX Acceleration.iso. If it does not autorun, go into the virtual drive and run setup.exe.

Also, copy the files in the CRACK folder (api.dll, fsui.dll, and main.dll) to the Flight Simulator folder in your program files folder. Path is most like C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X.

Then enjoy. I hope I didn't miss anything.
Oh, and backup the api.dll, main.dll, and fsui.dll files before copying the crack over. Just in case! lol

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X\api.dll
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X\fsui.dll
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X\main.dll

Thanks for info, have it working now apart from the crack, I have copied the three dll files into the FSX folder, however I?m still being asked for a key, When I start without the key I only get a short time to play before getting kicked out. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks again.
thank you guys....
keep seeding.. 50kb/s..
please give me product key I not found him?? PLS!!!!
I need product Key
arienh4 I need product key
hey, the torrent has been stopped? its not uploading anymore..
It still has seeders, so that shouldn't be a problem. I'm creating a new torrent though, which should be considerably smaller. I predict it'll be about 7 GiB.

I have download and Unpacked. Now how to burn this? can someone help me? thanks
Please will somone seed this is 11GB we will all be here for years at this rate.
How do I install it because when I click on it it says that windows cannot open the file.
Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed plz
downloading speed is 1kb and it will take a year to complete

Pleze seed
Great man It worked Perfectly, guys if ur having trouble with this read what KRLA wrote, i did exactly what he did and i got it up and working fine. Thanks alot Arienh4 for the upload.
PLS SEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE SEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Has anyone had any issues with a 64 bit vista? I got this to work on my 32 buit, my friend didnt on his 64. They say it works fine on both visas, but alas, we have a problem of some sort.

Lots of errors during installation, and no finish.
im new to this what do i do?
please seed
please seed... please it is too slow... fucking slow...
wow, i hit 120 kb/s for about 2 seconds, and then went down to 70... for about an hour and now running at... 32, will take 5 days... holy fuck, anyway i can speed this up at all, or any tips how to increase or improve my connection which is currently 100 mb/s
cancel that, now doing 30 kb/s WTF IS GOING ON, and i can only connect to like 8 out of 63 seeders, and will now take 6 days.
Im currently seeding this , and so far ive seeded a total of about 1.15Terrabyte : ) , i can upload at 1.8mb/s at max so people help me with seeding :)
i managed to reach 230 kb/s and now its evening out around 50-60 seed up please
Works great! At 10G, I planned on this taking a while, so if you think you are going to download this in a day you need to learn PATIENCE!

Anyhow, I'm running XP Pro SP3, Athlon dual core 2.2 ghz 2 G RAM, nVidia 9600GT and it is very playable, even on maxed out graphics!

Great upload!

I did have to download Daemon tools to burn the two DVD images, then installed using "Trial" instead of registering. Installed the acceleration, move the 3 files from the "Crack" folder to the FSX folder and works fine!
Nice speed! Managed to reach 371 kb/s but then went down and now at 320 kb/s.
many programs may be nore prone to installing and opperating better if you chose to start the computer in, and run the install in Safe Mode with Networking.
seed please.only 4-5 people are seeding.the rest are not seeding.
seeeeeed!!!!! come on guys i'm 90.4% done.lets just get it finished.
they need to add an thumbs up/down and spam option to this site, no scratch that, they need a whole new website
Seed guys.. this is a community where we need to support each other and seed
Fastest download 4 me yet...Thanks Seeders!!!! Hope this works!! If it does...I'll seed to 3.0!
Help please.

I got all the files downloaded, but they are all RAR format. I even saved them as a single image using magic ISO, but no luck.

Please help
Love you seeders. getting 600kb/s.
Love all you seeders :) Getting 600kB/s.
Thanks to arienh4 and all you seeders. Works perfect in ALL aspects ;]
nice download... works pretty with windows 7

Hey how do you install this ?

There is 3 folders ... do I extract them or do I burn them to disk ?
@mlodyjeden: Install normally using Disk 1 and Disk 2, then install FSX Acceleration and copy the contents of the Crack folder included on the iso to your FSX folder. you can mount the disks or burn all 3 but the crack is in the fsx acceleration. the readme also tells u how to install!!!
Thanks for the up and thanks to all the seeders, I'm rockin over 900 kb/s. I will most definitely seed as well.
I don't want to sound stupid, I'm a new pirate. How do I install it? What do you mean when you say "Install Normally"?

The file can be used only with other files. I tried opening it using Winrar, than I ran the file called: "setup.exe"
In some point of the installation it says that a certain file (I don't remember exactly which one) is missing and it must cancel installation. Another message is that some file is corrupt.

Can someone tell me EXACTLY how to do it? Again, I'm a new pirate..
Oh sorry, didn't see KRLA's comment. I'll try it and update.
is it an ISO file? (i hope so becuz mounting is easier than cracking)
Please Sead!!!!!!! im at slow dwnload speed!!!
only 128 kb/s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can't seem to get it to work. I was KRLA's steps. but after mounting the first disck with magicISO it never asks me to insert the second disk. it just completes the install. ignoring that, i just went on and installed acceleration and pasted in the cracks.

the folder is there under program files, but obviously things are missing. whats going on
please seed!! i really need this one, thank you all, once i have it , ill seed it too
please seed!! i really need this one!! im a new pirate, and i promise, that once i get this one, ill`upload all the Wilco pub collection for fsx, from all to all thank`s
Please seed!! i really need this one! i finished the acceleration file just need the others please thanks!!
Thanks man always wanted this game but never wanted to pay
hey ummm can we plz get some seeders plz
i m completely new 2 this anyone plzz plzzz help me out with a query - 'i simply have a standard mouse & a standard keyboard, is it enough for this game???'
or do i need 2 hav som extra paraphernalia?
yo thats all you need you dont need all that extra bs
@xiLoWDust thnx....thnx a lot pal
seed plz
Hi,, seed was great.. thanks. but.. i have problem to get it work.. tell something does not exist while to installing.. some one can help.. or got same problem ?.
all torrentz i'l been download.. all they got same error.. hate that. i gan't never play that game :/.
A bad torrent.
VERY BAD guide, the extension pack dont install any files..
installed but but know where to save the cracks?? all im gettin is a 15 minute trial version and then it switches off??? any help would be greatly appreciated!!
I will seed this more than 1 year after i've finish the download so pls seed because internet here in the philippines is very slow but when if it is morning it is very fast
can i play it online?????????
not working for me,i downloaded use power iso,when trying to install it tells me file NANC\texture\ missing,can someone please help? am running vista sp1 home edition but i have fs2004 running perfectly
40 out of 232 seeders!! for the love of god seed please!
sry to compain bout the wait thanks arienh4 i might need you to help me with useing the game
need help im trying to download disk 2 and im getting error 1311.sourse file not found G:\ that the file exists and that you can access it......i went and cheacked and it is there! should i redownload it to rwdvd?
also there are two diffrent paths once you download it on the computer one is the iso or mdf image and the other is mds and is not recognized as an image file and dosenot work on magic iso jsut to help u help me.....
ok well i redownloaded it to another rwdvdrom sence i locked the other one and it work which was weird anywho thanks for the game!
fuckin bitch now i need a new video crad it says i need a radon3/somthin8300 does anyone know where i can get one does walmart have thoughs... please tell me i can download it!
guys how to seed ?
Guys how to seed ?? :D
how to seed ?
Will someone please help me with the installation? I've tried mounting it using Power ISO and nothing! Now I'm saving Disk 1 and Disk 2 both on two separate DVDs. Hopefully I can install!!!! If not, please someone tell me how to make it work! I know I didn't download this for nothing! Two weeks and 3 days of my life could not have been wasted!!! The Acceleration file works, but nothing else as yet!! Will post soon!
I'm not complaining but you could've made this smaller... i have seen 40gb compressed to about 15gb with no errors or missing files xD

it depends on what the file contents are a large single file can be more compressed that say loads of little files and it wud take longer to compress/decompress
seed bruz...seeeeeed
it plays?
does this work with daemon tools
Download was awesome! worked perfectly after cut and pasting the crack files to the main FSX folder. No issues at all thanx for the great upload!!! :):):):):):):):):)
Seed? Please! Really looking forward to playing the game.
please please seed guysssssssssssssss seeeeeeeeedddddddddddddddddddddddd kindly
seeddddd please
Cut and pasted the cracks into the program file, but still only got a trial period........... still asks to be activated??? Any ideas?
To everyone complaining about how to use these files, rename .mdf file to .iso, then use something like Virtual Clone Drive to mount and install, try googling the answer instead of sooking about it, great upload by the way, will seed as long as i can
Takes a while to download but the game installed fine with Daemon tools and Accelerations installed fine and the cracks work fine. The only problem is that the game periodically crashes and I'm forced to ctrl+alt+del out of the program.